Oui, j’expédie dans le monde entier, porte à porte avec numéro de suivi. J’utilise La Poste (service postal français) votre service postal national prendra le relais lorsqu’il arrivera dans votre pays.
Yes I’m shipping worldwide, door to door with tracking number. I’m using La Poste (French postal service) your national postal service will take over when it arrives in your country.
Why your products aren't cheap like big companies ?
Ferdz is a one-man business, I favor quality components, everything is handcrafted in France in small series and so I didn’t make any economies of scale.
Your midi controller work with my music software ?
My controller are plug & play, no additional drivers/software needed, using the MIDI protocol over USB, it’s universal for all music softwares and I’ve tested them in all majors DAW, you can see the list in the bottom of product’s page. They can work with all MIDI CC Assignable plugins/software.
If you’ve others questions or want to discuss about projects feel free to use Contact Form